Wednesday, April 9, 2008

More Card talk

Here's a big thanks to George with Coin-Tech.

I spent another hour on the phone with him today going over some things.

Coin-Tech (mostly George) has been very patient with me. I have been an interested party for quite some time, and it says a lot that there is always someone willing to discuss things further.

I am seriously considering buying their redemption module soon as a stand alone product. The last few days I have been looking over computer specs and pricing components and have determined that the hardware costs will be negligible. I have some PCs already floating around that will do the jobs with slight tweaks, and I even found a great deal on some used barcode scanners.

(There are some out there that might be hesitant to buy used gear for a new project, but I have had mostly good luck with pre-owned equipment. Some of my best earning games were purchased used. My Super Rock'n'Bowl earns about the same as Big Rig Truckin' for instance, and sometimes more.)

Considering that much of the software purchase price would likely apply towards a full system expansion in the future, it is almost a no-brainer to bring in this product to streamline the prize counter activities.

1 comment:

editor said...

Hey Eric,

Nice to read your blog - good luck with this.

Hope you know of me - Kevin Williams from KWP, I also own and run The Stinger Report.

Do you get the Stinger? if you would like email me at editor(at)

We did a big feature on card systems e-payment you may have liked.

All the best,